Thanks for such a great mouthpiece!!! I played several hours this afternoon and worked a bit on reeds. A great sound… and what really impresses me is the intonation. I had always though that it was my fault that I was so very sharp up high. I checked the whole horn and I have never before played so well in tune. It plays fantastic down low and has a really wonderful sound. I can play up to high “F sharp” now and that has always been a problem for me.
I haven’t played soprano for several years now… at least not for more than a few minutes at a time, so when I get back into shape I will write you and let you know how it is going. It is going to be fun now playing it again. When I was in the orchestra it was always a worry for me to play in tune. I think that problem is now solved. I am looking forward to the first time it is needed in our Big Band. Next week I will try it in the sax quintet I have with some of my students. Once again, thanks for making such a great mouthpiece for me. It has met all my expectations.