These are all unsolicited messages from players around the world. Some are well known recording artists, some are amateurs, some are students, some are worship musicians and some are very accomplished professional musicians. They all share a passion for playing the soprano saxophone.
I am very proud of these notes and hope that you’ll take a few minutes to read some of them. Each comment speaks to what I do here at SopranoPlanet: I make mouthpieces that will help any player to get the sound and response they want for their music. Not MY idea of what that should be, but “their idea” about their own music. It’s that simple. Count how many times you see words like “wow” or “amazing” or “beautiful” or “incredible”. That is the standard I set here for every piece I make.
Get on the right path now to play beautiful soprano saxophone. A great mouthpiece is your ticket to the music you want to make. I guarantee it!