I just wanted to give you an update on playing the Missing Link you made me. It’s gorgeous. I absolutely love it. It’s flexible, it articulates beautifully, the upper register notes and palm keys are not shrill and have a nice roundness and warmth to them, lovely evenness from top to bottom of the horn. I got some Marca Reeds, Superieures, which are ok, but to be honest I’ve not had much luck with them in the past, I used to play them on clarinet for a while after a previous teacher recommended them, but I gradually moved on to something else. The guy who lent me his soprano had some La Voz mediums in the case, so I tried one, and the first blow I got that “oh yeah” moment, and the hairs on the back of my neck standing up. It’s a lovely mouthpiece, I’m really pleased with it, many thanks for your skill and great service.