Bill Dale

Troon, Scotland
  Have finally had a chance to play quite a bit on the OS2 on both my sopranos. My conclusions are that your description of the piece is bang on the money. I really cannot see myself playing the ML after this! It has opened my Yani up considerably while at the same time making the sound sweeter and darker, though I can change the tone if I want to.
The real revelation was on my Sequoia unlacquered straight soprano. With a 1 1/2 Marca Superieure reed the tone was amazing! I played for a friend of mine this afternoon, he couldn’t believe the difference with both saxes. The Sequoia is even more complex, with a fantastic range of tone and a huge volume if you want it. I also played with an old Vandoren ZZ 2 reed and the tone was more flute like, with even more volume on tap!
He was playing his Yani 992SC with a metal mselmer piece and a 2 1/2 reed and my tone and volume was so on the nail that he wanted your information. He told me that he would have to start saving up for an OS2.